无忧小屋    应用:1159 当日:0 新闻:1652 当日:0

Meta cosmic world

来源: 无忧小屋    时间:2022-03-07 00:47:40

加入官方QQ群,超多福利线报:40928229 零花钱手赚网

World city app is the core gold coin application in the whole product chain of lotteries in the world. The world city project refers to many foreign meta universe games, such as decentraland and sandbox
Players can participate in and create social and economic activities with other individuals in a shared virtual environment.
The initial plot of world city has 10000 plots, and users can buy land through gold coins. The user who owns the land will receive the gold coin remuneration generated by all the work and business activities of other users on the land. Users in the city can play a variety of roles in the market. As a market maker, players can promote transactions and provide liquidity for buyers and sellers. As workers, players can use their time, skills and knowledge to cultivate resources in the game and sell goods in the market.
World city is the team's first work facing the digital world. Based on the appreciating world gold coins (with a total value of 1900w at present), it gets rid of the operation mode of using air coins as tokens. Let every user get real returns in the digital world!

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WeChat public number:BJZCGJ

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